Message from the Organizers

Cerebral/cortical visual impairment (CVI), a brain-based condition, is now the leading cause of pediatric visual impairment worldwide, demanding immediate attention. Diagnosing, assessing, and managing CVI are challenging due to its complexity. The "Seeing CVI" international conference aims to bridge the gap between clinical science and rehabilitation.

Our goal is to unite multidisciplinary team members on a single platform to educate, raise awareness, and develop the clinical and rehabilitative skills needed to improve CVI care. The conference features a promising two-day program, including didactic lectures, hands-on learning sessions, panel discussions, and the latest research updates.

We warmly invite you to join the "Seeing CVI" conference, contribute to this critical field, and gain invaluable insights into CVI from leading experts!

- Dr Beula Christy and Dr Ramesh Kekunnaya


Panel Discussion

Research Updates

Didactic Lectures

Case Discussions

Keynote Address

Hands-on Session

Our Collaborators