EyeNEP 2020

Eye Nurse Education Program


True to our motto ‘So that all may See', LVPEI’s EyeHEP - Health Education Program, is a unique program, and probably also a first-of-its-kind. Through a gamut of well-crafted education programs, designed to converge all eye health professionals in a week-long process of learning and knowledge sharing, it provides knowledge through scientific evidence.

EyeNEP – Nurse Education Program, is an important module of this program and is meant for practising ophthalmic nurses. Best healthcare practices are always evolving. Nurses need to constantly upgrade their skills to ensure that they continue to deliver the best possible care to their patients.

The program will focus on:

  • Refreshing the basics of Ophthalmic Nursing
  • Handling emergencies
  • Managing work effectively

By the end of this program, the nurses will be well versed with the current best practices in an ophthalmic setting and will be able to deliver a high standard of ophthalmic nursing care.

Let us all learn together!

Incharge – Ophthalmic Nurse Assistant Program

Program Schedule